Our Purpose

Triple Layer Development is a software and hardware integrator dedicated to producing unilateral consumer electronics, which for now only includes IOT devices. Modern consumer electronics are currently in a precarious state where it is unclear who actually owns them, the consumer that paid for a device or the manufacturer that controls the device. Triple Layer Development’s goal is to put control back into the consumer’s hands while providing improvement’s in security and customization not available in standard IOT devices.

What is a Unilateral System?

A unilateral system is a computer system that is entirely controlled by a single party. This means that the owner of the computer system has final say in all aspects of their device’s operation, which is how normal, non-computerized private property works. Without this control, it is unclear if a consumer actually owns their computer systems since they have no say in what software it runs, even when that software does malicious things to its users, and in most consumer electronics they have no say in how the hardware is modified and repaired. It is the opinion of those of us at Triple Layer Development that If you cannot make a device do as you command and cannot modify and repair it as you wish, you do not own it, you have simply paid it’s real owner a fee to posses and use it as they allow. That is why a unilateral system is necessary.

The ‘main ingredients’, to boil it down, of a unilateral system are 100% free software and open hardware design. If a system runs 100% free software then the owner of the device is free to make any changes to the software and use it however they like, covering control of the software. If a device’s electrical components are all documented and made available for sale, the owner of said device can repair and modify it as they please. Thus creating devices that use free software and provide electronic schematics as well selling the parts in those schematics is Triple Layer Development’s purpose.

The Gift of Freedom

Free software is a gift, we don’t dare charge money for it (silicon is not a gift :D). In line with this ideal, we encourage all of our customers to contribute to our software projects, as it helps us make our products more secure and feature rich. We provide several learning resources to get started on reverse engineering and driver development and also provide incentives like discounts for contributors and limited remote development resources so contributors need not purchase hardware. For more information visit https://triplelayerdevelopment.com/getting-started.